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HR Choice COVID-19 Podcast


HR Choice has developed five podcasts covering various COVID-19 topics and the challenges your business might be facing now or in the future. These podcasts are brought to you by Joan Hibdon (HR Choice) and our legal partner Chuck Passaglia (Employment Law Solutions). We hope you find the information engaging and relevant to you and your business. Please reach out to your HR Choice partner to discuss these topics further. The duration of the podcasts range between 17 and 27 minutes. 








A Helpful Guide to Preparing for and Reducing the Impact of the Coronavirus.


COVID-19 Fast Facts for Colorado including number of cases and locations in Colorado.


Colorado Dept of Public Health & Environment COVID-19 Website includes excellent information on all COVID-19 topics.


Colorado COVID-19 Testing - Testing protocol is changing daily so check here for testing locations and updated protocol.

Colorado Dept of Labor - Alternatives to Laying Off Your Employees.


Workplace posters to remind employees of hygiene requirements posters.


Employee Assistance Program




WEBINARS "Business Survival, Coronavirus and Your Obligations Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)"​ and “UPDATE: Families First Coronavirus Response Act and CARES Act”


As many of you know, The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA; “The Act”) was signed into law on March 18, 2020. The Act went into effect on April 1, 2020 and requires all employers with less than 500 employees to provide additional Paid Time Off to employees affected by COVID-19.


 The two provisions in the Act that will be particularly impactful to you, our clients are:


  • Emergency Family and Medical Leave Act Expansion

  • Emergency Paid Sick Leave


We want you to have all the information you need to understand and implement these policies in your business. We will also be covering important alternative strategies for reducing your employee force, even temporarily, and potentially avoiding layoffs.


Over the past few weeks, it's clear we are all sorting through the significant affects the Covid-19 virus is having on our businesses. We understand you are seeking guidance on doing what is right by your employees, what your legal obligations are and how to stay in business. We have developed detailed guidance on how these mandated provisions will impact you and want to address all your questions. As a result, HR Choice, in partnership with Chuck Passaglia our partner from Employment Law Solutions, hosted two webinar sessions “Business Survival: Coronavirus and Your Obligations Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)” and a subsequent “UPDATE: Families First Coronavirus Response Act and CARES Act”


Please see the links below to access recordings of these informative sessions. 


The Team at HR Choice




Business Survival: Coronavirus, Work and the Law recorded session


Business Survival: Coronavirus, Work and the Law PowerPoint Deck


Q&A from the Business Survival Session 


UPDATE: Families First Coronavirus Response Act and CARES Act recorded session: 


UPDATE: Families First Coronavirus Response Act and CARES Act PowerPoint Deck 


Q&A from the Update Session

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